How you create kinetic typography
like the ones above is you have to have Power Point, and then go to animations.
After that you have to click on animation panel so you can see what animations, and when it appears you put in your slides. Then you have to take a shape or text and put
animations you want by clicking if there is no good ones you can click on the
more motion paths, more entrance effects, more emphasis effects, and more
exit effects. When you pick the animation you like, you can put more animations
to your shape or text, or you can put animations to other shape or text. Also
you should not put it all one slide because that would get a little messy, what
you have to is try to put your or text on your new slide where the slide left
it, and then put animations. You should try to keep it smooth, but I know how
hard it is to do that, so just try your best.
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